Are you USI Ready? It’s about to commence so prepare now.
With the January 1 2015 commencement of the Unique Student Identifier (USI) Initiative, RTOs should be preparing to gain access to the USI system so that they are ready to commence creating, collecting and verifying USIs.
Watch the 2 minute quick overview below of the USI Initiative by the Department of Industry…
What an RTO should be doing now
An RTO should be determining their choice of access to the USI System and gaining system access approval from the Department of Industry. RTOs have two options for access to the USI system. They can choose to use the USI Website where individual USIs can be created for students or verified OR they can use the USI Web Service through their Student management System.
You may also choose to use a combination of these options.
In either option you will need to complete an online ‘Student access request form’. This form is accessed from
You will also need to download and agree to the Student Identifiers Terms and Conditions for Training Organisations.
In reading the terms and conditions you will recognise that you have an obligation to provide a ‘Privacy notice’ to each individual on whose behalf you are applying for a USI.
Audit Answers has developed a form for your use and that you may download freely to meet this obligation.

‘Audit Answers’ is a RTO Policies and procedures and Student Management System which allows an RTO to create and verify USI’s directly through the USI Web Service…
For an Online Demonstration please contact Peter at or call 0408 725 940.